I am a Gig Lover

Chris H. Leeb
2 min readJul 30, 2019

The other day I played a gig with Werner / keys and Peter /drums together with Christian / sax. I played with Werner and Peter several times before with my double bass and I also played with other bands and also in classical orchestras (you will find all my activities in German on my personal website). But it was new to play with Christian / sax together. We never met before, we did not had any rehearsal together. We just had some scribbles with notes and accord notifications. And then we just start making music for our customers, the audience. We learned during playing, we figured out new phrases, we had to “negotiate” how to end a music piece using gestures and our eyes.

So, being prepared on your instruments, listening and watching during playing, everything in parallel, ends up in a product: a wonderful gig with joy and fun for us and for the customers, the audience.

I love music gigs!

In business I am working with several startups in parallel, calling myself a portfolio entrepreneur. You can see that on 42Angelitos website.

Very often I am working with people I only see by video chats, without any chance to get used to each other before working together. We just have some scribbles with designs and plans. And then we just start producing services for our customers, our clients. We learned during working together, we figured out new functions, we had to “negotiate” the end of a development to finalise the MVP.

So, being prepared on our tools, listening and watching during development, everything in parallel, ends up in a product: a wonderful service with joy and fun for us and for the customers, the clients.

I love startup gigs!

I am a Gig Lover!



Chris H. Leeb

CEO of Angelitos, visionary, rule breaker. portfolio entrepreneur. mentor. speaker. musician.